Pure Inebriation: Frozen Beer Is Delightful

Did you know such a wonderful thing as frozen beer existed? Kirin, weaver of our wildest dreams and bestower of our vomit suffused realities, proves that beer innovation doesn’t stop at taxidermied squirrel bottles or hipster flavors like Rogue’s Sriracha Hot Stout.

Kirin Ichiban Frozen Beer

You may be wondering what exactly the heck frozen beer is. Is it like a slushy? Or like a popsicle? Nope, and trust me when I say it’s even better than that. The beer itself is not frozen into ice or slush, although it is ice cold. It’s the frothy foam head that is frozen, which has an exquisite texture somewhere between Icee and ice cream. As you take a sip, enjoy a little nibble of frozen froth. Take another sip; take a nibble. With each rinse and repeat, the world around you gets a little lovelier.


Oh, you don’t live in Japan where this miracle beverage exists? No problem! Make your own at home with Kirin’s Frozen Beer Maker. At just over $30, it’s a damn sight better buy than that set of twirling spaghetti forks you bought last year.